What are the options of a tourist during vacations? A minimum amount of people prefer to stay quiet reading and relaxing themselves. Others like knowing restaurants, discotheques and nocturnal shows. The most popular activities include aquatic or mountain sports, going over archaeological sites, historical places and museums.
The election will depend on your personal taste. However, even if you typically are not a serious person you should not miss going to the Casa Vicens, first Gaudi’s house in your next trip to Barcelona, Spain. It was the initial work of the famous modernist architect in 1880, after getting his professional degree and was declared UNESCO World Heritage in July 2005.
Last November 16, after 130 years of its construction, the site with an area of 30 by 34.5 square meters opened the doors to the interested public, transformed into a historical museum. Walk over it slowly, taking your time to appreciate every fantastic detail exhibited once it has been spotlessly restored.
You can walk on your own freely through the house or if you prefer to learn deeply about the designer and his work take a guided tour which will explain in your language all interesting facts you wanted to know. Some material is provided for your benefit at the main entrance.
In the second story there is a permanent collection that will allow you to understand the social and cultural context on which this talented and well-known artist made his masterpiece. The place is opened every day for you pleasure. Stay at the Casa Vicens from 10 am-7 pm and delight yourself in this marvel of the modern art.
The general rate is 16 € but some discounts apply for seniors, students younger than 25, children 7 to 18, people with disabilities and large families. Kids under 7 enter freely. The construction and the museum routes were improved on diverse resources to make a nice experience reachable to visitors.